Video Indexing and Retrieval using the Cauchy Function and the Modified Hausdorff Distance

S.H. Kim, S.H. Kim, and R.-H. Park (Korea)


Cauchy function, key frame extraction, modified Hausdorff distance, video indexing, video retrieval, video sequence matching.


To manipulate large video databases, effective video indexing and retrieval are required. A large number of video retrieval algorithms have been presented for frame-wise user query or video content query, whereas a few video retrieval algorithms have been proposed for video sequence query. In this paper, we propose an effective video indexing and retrieval algorithm for video sequence query that employs the Cauchy function of histograms between successive frames and the modified Hausdorff distance. To effectively match the video sequences with a low computational load, we make use of the key frames extracted by the cumulative Cauchy function and compare the set of key frames using the modified Hausdorff distance. Experimental results with several color video sequences show that the proposed algorithm for video indexing and retrieval yields remarkably higher performance than conventional algorithms such as histogram difference, Euclidean metric, Battachaya distance, and directed divergence methods.

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