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201 : Mechatronic Systems and Control

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Min Xia  
This international journal publishes both theoretical and application-oriented papers on various aspects of mechatronic systems, modelling, design, conventional and intelligent control, and intelligent systems. Application areas of mechatronics may include robotics, transportation, energy systems, manufacturing, sensors, actuators, biological and health systems, and automation. Techniques of artificial intelligence may include soft computing (fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms/evolutionary computing, probabilistic methods, etc.). Techniques may cover frequency and time domains, linear and nonlinear systems, and deterministic and stochastic processes. Hybrid techniques of mechatronics that combine conventional and intelligent methods are also included. First published in 1972, this journal originated with an emphasis on conventional control systems and computer-based applications. Subsequently, with rapid advances in the field and in view of the widespread interest and application of soft computing in control systems, this latter aspect was integrated into the journal. Later, the area of mechatronics is included as the main focus, in view of its rapid growth. A unique feature of the journal is its pioneering role in bridging the gap between conventional systems and intelligent systems, with an equal emphasis on theory and practical applications, including system modelling, design, instrumentation, and control. It appears four times per year.

203 : International Journal of Power and Energy Systems

Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Alexander Domijan, Jr.
Dr. Mohamed Hamza  
First published in 1981, this journal serves a worldwide readership of power and energy professionals. The International Journal of Power and Energy Systems strives to be the first to explore emerging energy issues. Subject areas covered include power transmission, distribution and generation, power quality, education, competition and regulation, power electronics, communication, electric machinery, power engineering systems, protection, reliability and security, energy management systems and supervisory control, economics, dispatching, and scheduling, energy systems modelling and simulation, alternative energy including wind, geothermal, geothermal, biomass, tidal, hydroelectric, and solar, policy and planning. An online and open access journal.

206 : International Journal of Robotics and Automation

Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Peter X. Liu  
First published in 1986, the International Journal of Robotics and Automation was one of the inaugural publications in the field of robotics. The scope of this journal is broad and multidisciplinary. It covers contemporary developments in theory, design, and applications focused on all areas of robotics and automation systems, including new methods of machine learning, biologically inspired evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy and neural networks in robotics and automation systems, computer vision, autonomous robots, human-robot interaction, microrobotics, medical robotics, mobile robotics, biomechatronic systems, autonomous design of robotic systems, communication, signal processing, modelling, simulation, dynamics, design, control, sensory systems, speech recognition and synthesis, pattern and object recognition, image processing, automated manufacturing, safety, reliability, economics, social policies, and applications in all fields. The journal appears six times a year.