Introducing Attribute Certificates to Secure Distributed E-Learning or M-Learning Services

G. Kambourakis, D.-P.N. Kontoni, and I. Sapounas (Greece)


Public Key Infrastructure; Attribute Certificates; eLearning; mLearning


Motivating by the fact that public key cryptography is continuously evolving and its installed base is growing singniffically, very recent research works examine the potential use of it in eLearning or mLearning services. Attribute or temporary Certificates (ACs) seconded by Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) can provide the appropriate framework to secure distributed interactive eLearning applications, offering mutual "trust" to both learners and service providers. Considering PKI requirements for eLearning networks, the paper discusses the potential application of ACs in a proposed trust model. In the concept of that model, typical eLearning trusts interactions between eLearners and providers are presented, which demonstrate that robust security mechanisms and effective trust control can be obtained and implemented. The application of ACs to support mLearning are also presented and evaluated through an experimental test bed setup.

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