Analysis of Power Allocation in CDMA Networks with Soft Handoff

C. Zhou and K. Vishal (USA)


CDMA, downlink, QoS, voice networks, power allocation, utility


Power allocation is studied for a Code-Division Multiple Access (CDMA) cellular network, which supports soft handoff. We take the utility-based approach, that is, each user has a utility function that measures the user's preference, i.e., utility, as a function of received Quality of Service (QoS). The objective of power allocation is to maximize the total utility over all the users subject to the power constraints. The forward link is considered in a one-dimensional two-cell system, and then the power is the transmit power from base stations. We assume that a portion of the total power is reserved for soft handoff users who have higher priority than non-handoff users. Numerical results show that the solution to the utility maximization depends on various system parameters. At the maximum utility, either both cells allocate all available power, or only one cell uses all available power and the other cell preserve some power unused.

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