An Architecture for Personalization and Recommendation System for Virtual Learning Community Libraries

W. Tiengo, E.B. Costa, L.E. Tenório, and E. Loureiro (Brazil)


Personalization, Recommendation, Digital Library, Virtual Community.


Digital Library (DL) has received much attention as a re search field, and also considered an important feature of a Virtual Learning Community (VLC). Within this context, by using a DL, teachers could populate it with documents, and then users would access them anytime and anywhere. As the volume of information in a DL increases and the needs of the users become more complex, their frustra tion with the search function of a DL increases as well. Therefore, the system should not be passive. Instead, it should provide personalization and recommendation fea tures to users. In the context of VLCs and DLs, this would allow to suggest documents or communities for users based on their profiles, improving the users’ interaction with the system. This certainly helps to generate trust in the system. For this reason, in this paper we propose an architecture for a personalization and recommendation system based on integration of virtual learning communities and digital li braries in a model named of Virtual Learning Community Library.

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