Towards Efficient PKIs for Restricted Mobile Devices

M. Jalali-Sohi and P. Ebinger (Germany)


Public-Key Infrastructure, Mobile Devices, Mobile PKI, Electronic Commerce


The application of Public-Key Infrastructures (PKI) [1] [2], often considered the principal factor in the application of internal or inter-organizational security, is making only slow progress. The required logic for the validation of digital signatures or certificates, including the building of a trusted path and the discovery of keys, is too com plex. The problems with existing PKI solutions are particularly noticeable within the context of mobile handheld devices, such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) or mo bile phones, which have certain limitations regarding storage and computational capacity because of their small size. This paper outlines the problems in this field and introduces new PKI solutions for mobile devices that were developed by the NSI (New Security Infrastructure) project.

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