An ITU-T G.994.1 Protocol Analysis Tool for ADSL

M.J. Langlois, M.J. Carter, S.A. Valcourt, and W. Lenhearth (USA)


DSL, Broadband, Protocol Analysis


One of the most commonly deployed DSL variants is ADSL. Despite this fact, deployment of new robust and reliable ADSL services is increasingly difficult due, in part, to the physical limitations of the copper telephone system infrastructure, and also in part to the lack of useful ADSL network debugging tools. ADSL service providers and technicians currently lack a device capable of decoding physical layer signaling and displaying actual physical layer parameters and statistics associated with a live ADSL connection, independent of the end stations. Similar devices used in other network technologies are often referred to as protocol analyzers. The intent of this paper is to illustrate how Matlab [1], in conjunction with a DSP or a PC, can be used to create an effective ADSL handshaking protocol analyzer based on ITU-T G.994.1 (G.hs) [2]. G.hs conformance is critical in establishing a successful ITU-T G.992.1 (G.dmt) [3] based ADSL connection.

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