Influence of Imperfect Power Control on the Optimal Performance of OCDMA/OCDMA

F. Vanhaverbeke and M. Moeneclaey (Belgium)


multiuser detection, power control, oversaturated channels


In this paper we consider the performance of optimal detection in an OCDMA/OCDMA system for uncoded BPSK modulation with binary-valued chip sequences of spreading factor N = 32, and with imperfect power control. We consider both the cases that the receiver has perfect and partial knowledge of the instantaneous received power. It is found that when the dispersion of the power control increases, the allowed channel overload increases if we allow a maximum SNR degradation of less than 0.4 dB as compared to the single user case. In addition to this, as long as the dispersion of the power control remains moderate, considerable channel overloads are achievable even if the receiver has no knowledge whatsoever of the received instantaneous power.

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