Analysis of Irregular Shape’s Time-Variations by Serial Contours Enhancement

M. Przytulska, J.L. Kulikowski, and D. Wierzbicka (Poland)


image processing contours enhancement, shape’s time variations, biomedical image analysis


The methods of image processing play a substantial role in biological investigations as well as in medical diagnosis. Computer-aided image analysis methods make it possible not only to evaluate static parameters of biological objects, but also to conduct qualitative and/or quantitative examination of their time-variations. This work concerns a computer-based method of serial images analysis; it has been elaborated, in particular, for ultrasound imaging used in left cardiac ventricle contractility investigation. However, the below-described methods can be used in a wider class of time-varying object’s shape investigations. The method consists in: a) object’s shape automatic contouring, b) contour’s expansion into trigonometric series, c) time –varying trigonometric series coefficients’ expansion into functional series, and d) analysis of global properties of the coefficients’ time variations. Therefore, in moving biological object’s investigation image processing methods are used as a tool supplying a mathematical model with observation data extracted from a series of images. At the next step of a physical or biomedical process investigation the model is used for final conclusion making.

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