Efficient Face Recognition for Wireless Surveillance Systems

N. Zaeri, F. Mokhtarian (UK), and A. Cherri (Kuwait)


Face recognition, Wireless network, PCA, MPEG-7, and limited memory


Surveillance systems that exist in many parts of the world these days find many important applications ranging from traffic problems to security applications. In this paper, we propose a novel solution for efficient face recognition problem for such systems that utilize wireless communication networks. The most important constraint of such systems is the low memory requirement of the data sent. The new technique applies the principal component analysis to the binarized phase spectrum of the Fourier transform of the covariance matrix constructed from the MPEG-7 Fourier Feature Descriptor vectors of the images. The binarization step that is applied to the phases adds many interesting advantages to the system. It will be shown that the proposed technique maximizes the recognition rate while achieving substantial savings in computational time.

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