Probing the Need for Mobile Technologies for Designers

J. Muñoz Bravo, A. Lucero, and D. Aliakseyeu (The Netherlands)


Mobile devices, user centered design, supporting creativity, requirements capture


In this paper we present a study of possible applications of mobile technology for industrial designers and architects for their daily work. We conducted two user studies with the final aim of gathering requirements for a future prototype which fulfils the aims of both industrial designers and architects in terms of mobility. The first user study consisted of using Cultural Probes which allowed us to get a first approach at the domain and showed valuable information. The specific characteristics and advantages of this method as well as the results are presented. The second study consisted of a questionnaire filled-in by designers and architects. Both studies allowed us to find some interesting answers to the following questions: what are the activities that take place outside the designers’ studios/offices? What is the current use of technology among designers? What is the perception they have on technology? What kind of technology should be developed in order to satisfy their needs? Based on the findings from both studies, we propose guidelines for future mobile applications that support the work of designers.

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