Software Implementation of the DMB Transmission System

P. Charest and F. Lefebvre (Canada)


DMB video encoding multimedia mobile system


The CRC has been involved in mobile multimedia broad casting (MMB) research from the early 1990’s. Since then, the global interest for MMB has grown substantially. To day, mobile TV and data applications are starting to be deployed through broadcast and telecommunications net works using DAB, DVB-H, MediaFLO or other technolo gies. In this rapidly evolving environment, many factors affect the ability of independent and public research or ganizations like the CRC to effectively pursue their ob jectives. Such factors include: high system component costs, fast-paced equipment obsolescence, dependence on “closed boxes” and increased system complexity. This paper presents a complete Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) transmission system which helps to overcome some of these issues. A flexible, compact and low-cost DMB platform is presented with its most impor tant components. A strong focus is given to implementa tion considerations and to initial experimental results based on service reception on commercial receivers. This paper also shows that existing open source software projects can successfully be integrated and used as a solid foundation for new and innovative R&D platforms.

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