Low-Complexity Computation of IDCT Efficiently Adapted to End-of-Block Points

M.-L. Hsia and O.T.-C. Chen (Taiwan)


Inverse discrete cosine transform, end-of-block point, video coding, low complexity


This work develops an efficiently low-complexity method to compute a 2-Dimensional (2-D) Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT) flexibly adapted to its End-Of Block (EOB) point. First, the EOB point is used to determine one of 15 operation modes. Second, the computation order of row-after-column or column-after row is adequately chosen to further minimize the computational complexity. Third, a 2-D IDCT at the determined operation mode is computed by a simplified 1-dimensional (1-D) IDCT at row-by-row and column-by column manners. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can have the least computational complexity than the conventional methods to execute 2-D IDCTs at MPEG-2 video streams. Therefore, the proposed method is very suitable to various applications demanding low-complexity computation of IDCTs.

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