R. Takaoka, M. Shimokawa, and T. Okamoto (Japan)
Game-based learning environment, Interaction among students, Motivation, Pedagogical agents, Junior high school
Many studies and systems that use "pleasure" and "fun" as inherent elements in games to improve a learner's motivation have been developed in the field of learning environments. However, there are still few studies of situations where many learners gather at a single computer and participate in a game-based learning environment and where a computer designs the learning process by controlling the interactions (such as competition, collaboration, and learning by teaching) between learners and others who are learning by observation alone. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method (involving interaction control between learners) that generates interaction between learners intentionally to create a learning opportunity that is based on the knowledge understanding model of an individual learner. In this paper, we explain a game-based learning environment called "Who becomes the king in the country of mathematics?”, in which we have incorporated a "learner support agent" to support each learner and a "game control agent" to control the game. Furthermore, we report an evaluation experiment of the system which we carried out in a junior high school.
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