Scientific Analysis of Inter-TSO-Compensation-Algorithms by Physically-based Power Flow and Superposition Methods

T. Leveringhaus, M. Wolter, and L. Hofmann (Germany)


Inter-TSO-compensation (ITC), With-Without-Transits (WWT), Average-Participation (AP), Marginal Participation (MP), Superposition, Regulation 714/2009


Power flows in interconnected transmission grids cause burdens, reliefs and losses on all operating resources. If transmission grids from different Transmission-System Operators (TSOs) are connected by couple-lines, loads and generations in one country cause power flows in other countries. According to Regulation No. 714/2009 [1] of the European Parliament, TSOs must be compensated by each other for hosting power flows caused by other countries. During the last almost 10 years different algorithms for Inter-TSO-Compensation (ITC) were developed and tested by the ETSO and ENTSO-E and their members [2] … [23]. Previous benchmarks of these methods were only able to consider qualitative aspects. This paper uses physically-based power flow and superposition methods to evaluate the different ITC-Algorithms quantitatively: The With-And-Without-Transits-Method (WWT), the With-And-Without-Exchanges-Method (WWE), the Average-Participation-Method (AP) and the Marginal Participation-Method (MP) are considered. The study shows, that none of the discussed methods produces suitable results. The maximum relative errors become more than 1000 %, and even the average errors gain magnitudes of 100 %. These errors are conditional on wrong assumptions of the presented methods. In conclusion it is justified to state, that only a physically based algorithm can fairly distribute the costs of hosting power flows and fulfill the requirements of the Regulation No. 714/2009 and the necessity of technical-correctness.

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