Investigation of Human Skin Collagen Distribution in Response to Polarized Laser by Ellipsometry

H. Fattahi, R. Tahvildari, A. Amjadi, and M.B. Nejhad (Iran)


Collagen's birefringence, Ellipsometry, HeNe Laser, Polarization


The important role of collagen fibers in LILT has been observed. However there is still unclear information about light characteristics, such as coherence and polarization. Collagens behavior in response to different polarization is presented in this study. We investigate the distribution and structure of collagen bundles in full-thickness human skin in response to laser with different polarization by ellipsometry technique. For this study, we chose skin from the back part of a white man. The light source is HeNe laser. Samples are irradiated by three different polarizations. Sample S|| is irradiated using the electric field vector of the polarized laser radiation aligned in parallel with the human's spinal column direction. Sample S┴ is irradiated using the electric field vector of the polarized laser radiation aligned perpendicularly to the aforementioned orientation. Sample SO is irradiated using circularly polarized laser. Sample C is not irradiated and consider as a control. Our findings indicate that the Sample S|| shows higher birefringence. In comparison with other polarizations this amount is closer to sample C. Birefringence in sample SO is higher than sample S┴. Also by increasing the time duration of irradiation, the birefringence is decreasing which indicates more collagen denaturation.

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