Level-of-Detail for Time-Varying Surfaces on the GPU

Francisco Ramos, Miguel Chover, Joaquin Huerta, and Oscar Ripolles


Triangle strips, Keyframing animation, Multiresolution, Level of detail


Time-varying surfaces are present in scientific applications, movies and video games. These surfaces are often generated and represented as polygonal meshes, which usually contain much more detail than is necessary for a given frame. In this context, multiresolution modeling or level of detail has addressed the issue of efficiently manage dense polygonal meshes for realtime rendering. However, these methods are inadequate for time-varying surfaces as they are based on static surfaces. Moreover, only a few take advantage of using optimized primitives such as triangle strips or the new capabilities of current GPUs. We thus present a new multiresolution representation for interactive rendering of keyframing animations in the GPU. Our GPU-based method is able to render any level of detail, for all frames of an animation. We make use of the triangle strip primitive to save bandwidth both in mesh codification and in rendering performance. We also demonstrate successful use of this representation to render the approximations for key framing animations in the GPU pipeline while providing, at the same time, key framing interpolation to exactly represent them.

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