Chaotic Complex-Valued Multidirectional Associative Memory

Y. Shimizu and Y. Osana (Japan)


Chaotic Complex-Valued Neuron, Multidirectional Associative Memory, One-to-Many Associations


In this paper, we propose a Chaotic Complex-valued Mul tidirectional Associative Memory (CCMAM) which can realize one-to-many associations of N-tuple multi-valued patterns. The proposed model is based on the Multidirectional Associative Memory, and is composed of complex valued neurons and chaotic complex-valued neurons. In the proposed model, associations of multi-valued patterns are realized by using complex-valued neurons, and one-to many associations are realized by using chaotic complex valued neurons. We carried out a series of computer experiments and confirmed that the proposed model can realize one-to-many associations of N-tuple multi-valued patterns.

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