Multi-Party and Spatial Influence Effects in Opinion Formation Models

K.A. Hawick (New Zealand)


Policy issues; political process modelling; agent based modelling; modelling; opinion formation model; interdisciplinary modelling; Sznajd model.


Opinion formation amongst large groups of con nected individual autonomous agents or voters is a com plex phenomena to accurately model and indeed under stand. The Sznajd model describes a simple set of rules for an individual voter to influence its neighbours and for an initially randomly-mixed set of opinion holders to con verge to a single consensus opinion. We consider quanti tative effects of having more than the usual two opposing opinions (or political parties) present and study what hap pens to the time to achieve consensus when many minority opinions might initially be present in a system. We report on numerical experiments with systems of up to ten op posing different opinions or political parties present in the original mix and also on the effect of increasing the number of neighbours a single voter can influence.

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