Yaser M.A. Hamid and Daya K. Lobiyal


Ad hoc networks, power control, routing protocol, energy,throughput


In this paper, we propose a power saving scheme that integrates power control MAC (PCM) protocol and COMPOW protocol. The goal of the proposed scheme is to save power and maximize throughput in a multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks. This new protocol works in two phases. First, it uses COMPOW protocol to select the minimum common power (Pcommon) that can be suitable for providing a link from the source to the destination. In the second phase, PCM uses this selected common power (Pcommon) in place of maximum power (Pmax). Reducing the maximum power level of the control packets RTS-CTS to common power (Pcommon) brings down the interference effects of these packets on the DATA-ACK packets. The second benefit of using common power is significant reduction in carrier sensing range compared to the standard schemes. However, this carrier sensing range is sufficient to avoid the interference among various nodes involved in the multi-hop routing. Avoiding collisions, improving spatial reuse and increasing the contentions between the nodes of the multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks save energy and improve the throughput. In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of our proposed scheme and compared with COMPOW and the standard IEEE 802.11b, BASIC, PCM schemes using MINPOW power aware and conventional routing protocols. Our simulation results show that PCM/COMPOW power saving scheme achieves high reduction in energy consumption.

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