Research on Rehearsal Model of Complex System based on Petri Nets

Feng Ye, Guo-xing Lan, Ye-quan Cai, and Ying-chao Zhang


Petri Nets, Complex System, Modeling, Rehearsal


The typical operation flow of complex system has analyzed in this paper. The rehearsal model of the complex system based on the principle of Petri Nets has proposed, and illustrated by the case of OODA. The Petri Nets demonstration prototype under a typical scenario of complex system has built. The method of complex system modeling based on Petri Nets is a possible approach to fit in with the needs of constructing a typical rehearsal system of the complex system by existing simulation models (subsystems) in a short time. It meets the requirements of the demonstration research and evaluation mission for the complex system, which carries out in a short-term action cycle and accomplishes the mission in high efficiency.

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