Temperature Dependent Simulation of an Alvarez-Humphrey Optics

Ingo Sieber


modelling, modelling and simulation methods, optical simulation, simulator coupling, finite element method


Performance of optical systems or components often depends on environmental effects like e.g. variation of the ambient temperature. This problem is known in lens design of e.g. optical components used in concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) [1]. The same problem arises for optical systems designed to restore the accommodation of the human eye. To be able to model and simulate the effect of temperature influences on the optical performance a coupling between a mechanical simulator, e.g. a finite element method (FEM) tool and an optical simulator has to be achieved. In this paper the coupling of the commercial FEM tool ANSYS [2] and the commercial optical simulation tool ZEMAX-EE [3] is shown and applied to the optics of the Artificial Accommodation system.

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