Multi-Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Base on PLL Technique Control

Vittaya Tipsuwanporn, Anuchit Charean, Arjin Numsomran, and Thirayut Sungsinchai


Multi-level Inverter, Fuel cell, MPPT control, Perturbation & observation


In this paper, the control of the output voltage in multi-level inverter is presented. The inverter is controlled by using pulse width modulation (PWM) technique. Its feedback is controlled with a Phase lock loop (PLL) compensator. The purpose is to improve output voltage and decrease total harmonic distortion (THD) of the inverter, based on Phase-lock technique and fed to induction motor with V/F control. Moreover, this method can be applied to increase the output of the inverter high precision in order to control methods of PLL.

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