A Case Study of Home Service Sharing using RELOAD

Warodom Werapun and Apichat Heednacram


Home service, RELOAD, P2P, Network architecture


In present days, home devices with network capabilities are widely used and augmented for delivering several Home Services (HS) to more end users. This technology increases user experiences in sharing services by accessing services locally, remotely or visiting other user services. The interesting research problem is how to organize the service sharing reliably and effectively while the service cost and speed are still acceptable. We focus on Structured Peer to Peer (P2P) network architecture in comparison with other two types of P2P architecture, namely Centralized P2P and Pure P2P. The comparison is presented in terms of signaling overhead and service specifications. We have previously studied the Centralized P2P and Pure P2P network architecture for HS but never Structured P2P. The Structured P2P uses Distributed Hash Table (DHT) to quickly lookup and route shared services in an overlay network. In this paper, we propose to use RELOAD (REsource LOcation And Discovery Base Protocol) which provides an abstract storage in the P2P overlay, as network architecture for managing HS sharing in the decentralized way. Our evaluation results reveal that HS sharing using RELOAD offers several advantages and the architecture is suitable for our case study, the weather report service sharing.

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