Examination of Sailors’ Balancing Ability with Means of Motion Analysing System

Bernadett Kiss, Gergely Nagymáté, and Rita M. Kiss


sailing, ultrasound-based provocation test, damping, head movement, balance


The present study aims to determine the effect of professional sailing on the balancing ability compared to a control group using ultrasound-based provocation tests on a moving platform. The balancing capacity after sudden unidirectional perturbation is characterized by following parameters: the damping time (T), the Lehr’s damping ratio (D), the orientation ratio (R) and the HeadPath during double-limb standing with eyes open and eyes closed. Significant differences showed between the 4- and 8 spring setting in the case of the control group, but not in the case of the sailor group. This new finding allows us to state, that the professional practice of sailing can change the method and the efficiency of balancing. A new practice for characterizing the balancing ability, the measurement of the head movement, was involved in the research.

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